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Card functions
Updated over 7 months ago

In the cards in vPlan, a lot of information can be found. This article explains all the functionalities of the card.

Function bar

On the right side of the map you see a gray bar with icons. With these icons you determine which information you want to show or hide on your map.

Show or hide sub cards

Show or hide custom fields

Show or hide due date

Show or hide activities

Show or hide resources

Show or hide labels

Show or hide time tracking

Show or hide integration information

Show or hide attachments

Show or hide checklists

Show or hide comments and events

Action menu

When you open a card in vPlan, you will see an action menu at the top right of the card with several options below it.

Share link

In vPlan, each card has a unique link. You can share this link with other vPlan users. This allows you to quickly refer to a card. When you click the Share link option, a link to this card is automatically copied to your clipboard.
You can now paste this link directly into an e-mail or Whatsapp message, for example. This allows you to share the card with a colleague or other vPlan user.
The recipient can click on the link, and is then directed to vPlan. If you are not already logged in you will have to log in first. If you are logged in you will immediately see the card that has been shared with you.
You have the choice of opening the card directly in the current screen, or by navigating directly to your planboard and seeing where the card is planned in the board.
If you choose 'Show on planboard', it's important to note that vPlan automatically adopts a search in your planboard. The period of your planning is also adjusted to the start and end date of the card.

Want to see the full planning again? Just adjust the period and remove the search query.

Choose cover

You can set a cover image or color per collection. With this function you can make cards stand out in your planboard, or add an image of a product, person or location.
When you click Choose cover, you will see an option in your card to add a cover color or image. Once you have chosen a color you will see this appear as a border at the top of the card, as well as in the planboard itself, you can now clearly see which collection you have given a cover color relative to the other cards.


To show the cover in the list and timeline view you will need to add it as a column. To do this, see the article Adding columns in list view and Adding columns in the timeline view.

In addition to a color, you can also use an image as a cover. The photo of a location of a job, or a photo of a custom product you want to produce. As a prerequisite, the cover photo must always be uploaded as an attachment in the map in vPlan.
Next to your attachments, you will see a thumbtack icon. This allows you to set one of your added attachments directly as a cover photo. Or you choose under the heading 'Cover' for the 'Image' option and you select one of the added photos as the cover. The result? The cover photo is clearly visible on the card as well as in your planning.

Split card

This option shows you the ability to split your card. How exactly this works is explained in this article: Split card.

Clone card

This option allows you to copy a card. This will copy all the information from the original card into the new card. When cloning a card, a new card is created within the collection.

Lock card

As a planner or administrator, you can lock cards in vPlan. Locking a card ensures that other users can no longer change the card and that the planned date is fixed. This does not apply to all data in the card. Other users can still enter or modify the following data:
- Custom fields
- Due date
- Checklists
- Cover color/image
- Follow card
- Post comments

So what can't other users edit?
- Title
- Description
- Status
- Planned date
- Activities
- Time tracking
- Resources
- Split
- Labels

A locked card can be unlocked again by the user who locked it, or by a set automation. When you have locked the card, the action menu will disappear. In its place you will see a lock. You will also notice that many fields in the card are no longer clickable.
Also in the planboard itself you can clearly see when a card is locked, because there is a lock next to it. Dragging cards in your planboard is no longer possible.
To unlock a card again, the card must be opened by the user who locked it. Then click on the lock at the top right to unlock the card again. All locked actions in the card are now available to other users again.

Delete card

This option allows you to delete the card you opened.


This action cannot be undone. You must therefore always confirm this action first.

Move to backlog

This option places the entire collection back in the backlog. From here you can plan the collection again.

Duplicate collection

This option allows you to copy an entire collection. All information from the original cards will be transferred to the new cards. When duplicating a collection, a new, separate collection is created. If the original collection consists of three cards, a second, new collection is created with three cards.

Delete collection

With this option you delete the entire collection to which this card belongs. This is not just the opened card, but all related cards.


This action cannot be undone. Therefore, you must always confirm this action first.

When a collection is created from an integration, the collection is first moved to the archive when you delete it. From the archive you can restore the collection, or permanently delete it.


At the top of the card you can see the status you have set in the configuration.

You see the current status of the card. By clicking on the arrow, the card immediately gets the next status. If you click on the status itself, you see all the statuses, as shown in the image above. Here you can quickly select a different status, when the next status is skipped, for example.

Name and description

The standard fields on a card are the title and description. These fields are immediately visible in your planning. Besides the title and description, you can create custom fields to add more information to your card.

Planned date

In your card you will see the field 'Planned'. This is the start and end date of the card. If this is one date, the card's duration is one day. If you have different start and end dates, you can choose the start and end date in the calendar.
In addition to a start and end date, you can also add times. Plan the card by opening the 'Planned' date field. In the calendar menu you will see a clock:

If you click on it, you will see some additional fields below the calendar, including start and end time. If you click on the clock, a time is automatically entered. The start time you see here is the upcoming full hour. So if it is 2:30 p.m., you will see 3:00 p.m. at the start time.

Due date

In addition to the planned date, you'll see another date field on the card. This is your due date. Your due date is your deadline. On this you can be notified when this date is exceeded.


Add one or more activities to a card quickly and easily. Activities can be given an estimated duration. You can only select activities linked to the stage in which the card is created. The activities add up to the total duration of the card. Duration can be entered in minutes (m), hours (h) and days (d). It is possible to make a combination of these. For example, 1h 30m (1 hour and 30 minutes) or 2d 2h 15m (2 days, 2 hours and 15 minutes). Days count as 24 hours.


Under the heading 'Resources' you will see a dropdown menu. Here you can choose from all the resources you have linked to this board, or stage. Select the resource(s) you want to assign. You can easily delete a resource assigned to this a card. If you hover your mouse over the resource's avatar, you will see a cross. Click on it to remove the resource from the card.


In the card, you can attach one or more labels. This allows you to add specific details to a card. In the planning the label can also be shown in the first overview. Here you can read how to create labels.


Would you like to show drawings or other files on your card? You can easily do this by adding an attachment. These attachments are visible to all your colleagues within vPlan, and can also be opened in vPlan Go. You can drag a file onto the card or click on the attachments field in the card. Clicking this will take you to your files and allow you to choose your attachment. Now that you have successfully added an attachment, you can perform two actions with it. You can download and open the attachment or you can delete it.


Under the heading 'Checklists' you can add checklists. You can choose from checklists you created in the settings, or create a new checklist in this card.

Select default checklist in card

If there are predefined checklists set up in the settings of vPlan, then all you have to do is select them in your card to use immediately!


If your administrator has indicated in the checklist setup that a checklist may be modified, you can add your own rules to the checklist by clicking Add item.

Create your own checklist in card

Next to the dropdown menu to add standard checklists, you'll see a plus. This allows you to manually add a new checklist in this card. Give your checklist a name, then click the field below it to add checkoff lines to your checklist. You can add as many lines as you want. You can also change the order of the lines by clicking on the dots on the right of your checklist line, and dragging the item up or down. The trash can icon allows you to delete an item.
Clicking outside the checklist area will save the checklist.

Checklist menu options

At the top right of the checklist, you will see a menu. This contains the following options:

Check all: causes all lines of the checklist to be checked off at once.
Uncheck all: causes all lines of the checklist to be unchecked at once.
Hide checked: makes sure that checked out lines in the checklist will no longer be shown.
Edit: allows you to modify the checklist. Add, modify, delete or change the title of the checklist.
Delete: remove the checklist from your map.


Do you use vPlan's list view a lot? Then you can track the progress of your checklists for all planned cards at one glance. You do this by adding your checklists as columns in your list view. You can read how to add columns to the list view at: Adding columns in list view


In vPlan, you as a user can follow a card. When you follow a card, you can receive additional notifications about the card. For example, you can receive a notification when the card's planned date is changed by someone else, or when someone else changes the status of a card.
All about notifications and how to manage them can be found at: Notifications.
At the top right of the card, next to the action menu, you see a star. If you click on it, you register yourself as a follower of this card. From now on you will receive extra notifications about this card, as can be read in the article mentioned above.

Once you follow a card, your vPlan avatar will appear next to the follow button. If you want to stop following, simply click the button again. Other followers of the cards are also visible here.


Do you always want to follow all cards? You can automatically assign yourself as a follower with an automation. Read more at: Automatically add a follower.


In the card, you can post comments as a user. This way you can simply and quickly collaborate with your team or you can easily add additional information related to the card. You can always see who posted the comment and when. Only self-created comments can be deleted.


Within vPlan we keep track of which user has done what, on each card. With events, we show exactly which action was done by which user. These can be found at the very bottom of the card, near the comments, if you click on this icon: .

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