The timeline shows your orders and projects globally. It's a useful method to see how everything fits together over a longer period of time.
Add timeline view
If you are not using the timeline yet, you can select it at the top of the vPlan menu bar or add a new view by clicking the plus icon.
Give your view a name and save it. You can now proceed to the next step.
You can add multiple timeline views. This way you can save multiple variants of the timeline for yourself, with different filters and sorting. This way you can easily switch between multiple timeline views without having to adjust your filters every time.
Choose view
All views of vPlan work with certain elements by which your planning is organized. These are: stages, statuses, resources, groups and collections.
Just like in other views, you can show the planning and organize it per element. The buttons for this can be found at the top right of the page:
Just click through these views to see how vPlan organizes your planning at the level of stages, resources, statuses, etc. Choose an overview that best fits your situation.
Choose period and zoom level
To get order in all your planning data, it is important to first choose the period for which you want to view the data. In the filter function of vPlan you can choose from a number of standard periods, or set your own period. You can read more about this at: How can I manually select a period in my board?
Once you have selected a time period, you will only see cards that are planned in that time period.
In this view you can zoom in from year level to hour level. Zoom in to the smallest hourly level and make the strip longer or shorter to plan the project at the correct start and end times. Do you want to plan for the long term? Then zoom out to year level and gain insight into projects that are planned far into the future.
After choosing a period, it is convenient to further manipulate the results within the chosen period. You do this with vPlan's filter function. At the top right of the list you can find the filter function in the form of a funnel icon.
You can filter on the following data in your planning:
You can combine filters. For example, you can filter on all cards from the 'Work preparation' stage. In addition, you can indicate that within that stage you only want to see cards with the status 'In progress'. This already gives you a much more specific part of your planning. Within that set of data you can filter again by filtering on labels. In the end you are looking at a specific filtered part of your planning. For example, only the cards of 'Work preparation' that are 'In progress' and have the label 'Urgent' assigned to it.
This is just one example. The possibilities are very extensive and very dependent on how you use and set up vPlan.
When you open the preferences, by clicking the eye , the menu opens with all the possible options you can show or hide, with a slider next to it. If the slider is active (purple) then the information is shown on your planboard. If the button is inactive (gray) then the information is hidden.
The options you can show or hide in the timeline are:
Show or hide the purple line representing today.
Show or hide the lines between days.
Show or hide the lines connecting dependent collections.
Show or hide the capacity graph.
Due date
Show or hide the red line representing the expiration date.
Show or hide the assigned resources.
Enable or disable the option to see tooltips.
Show or hide warnings that vPlan issues in certain situations (such as exceeded due date or wrong stage order).
Determine bar colors
You can choose the colors of your bars. You can choose between the color of the label, cover, or status. Follow the steps below to adjust this in the timeline preferences:
Go to Preferences
Click on the eye icon in the upper right corner of the timeline view to open the preferences.
Choose Your Preference
At the bottom of the screen, you can choose what determines the color of the bars:
Label: The bar takes on the color of the assigned label(s).
Cover: The bar takes on the color of the chosen cover.
Status: The bar retains the color that corresponds to the status.
Save Your Preferences
Click 'Close' to save the new color settings for the strips.
Your timeline bars will now adopt the color based on your chosen setting. This new flexibility helps you make your board even more organized and personalized!
Add information in columns
Once you have the desired part of your planning on your screen with filters and preferences, it is time to determine which information from the cards should be visible. All cards are shown vertically in rows.
Horizontally you will see a number of columns with information about those cards. You can expand the number of columns with information from the cards endlessly. Custom fields, date fields, order information, checklists. Everything that can be found in a card can be included as a column in the list.
To add a column of information, click on this icon at the top right of the page:
A pop-up window will appear in which you can check, in the left column, which information you want to add to the list as a column. In the right column of the window you can drag the active columns into the correct order with your mouse.
Sort columns
Once you have added the desired information from your plan cards as a column, you can also sort by one of the columns. To sort your timeline by a column, simply click on the name of the column. If you do this, you will see that the column name will have purple shading and an arrow indicating in which direction the column is sorted.
If you click on the column name again, the direction of the sorting will be reversed. If you click on the column for the third time, the sorting will be disabled and returned to the original sorting.
You can export the timeline view you’ve set up, including filters, columns, and sorting, to a PDF file.
To do this, click on the export icon in the top right corner of the list view: .
Then, you can name the file and select the desired paper size, such as A1, A2, A3, or A4. You also have the option to choose the layout that best suits your view, either landscape or portrait. Click Export, and your file will be downloaded immediately.
Insight into the capacity of your resources is very important for your planning. This is also clearly displayed in the timeline.
Per stage and per resource, just like in the calendar view, for example, your capacity is shown per day or week, and what is planned.
The capacity per resource and stage (depending on how you view the timeline) is shown with a light gray area divided over the active days in your calendar.
As soon as you start planning in the timeline, a graph line is shown in this gray capacity area that indicates how much of the capacity is planned. If the line remains within the gray area, there is nothing wrong and you have sufficient capacity. However, as soon as the graph line rises above the capacity plane, you know that you have planned over your capacity.
You can of course solve this by adjusting your planning, for example by extending the end date of the card or by adding an extra resource.
As soon as you overplan the capacity of a stage or resource by a large number of hours, the scale of the capacity area is adjusted to reflect the large difference as in the example below:
When you move your mouse over the capacity graph, you will gain insight into the actually planned percentage of your capacity and the remaining hours. You can gain insight into capacity per day by moving your mouse from day to day:
Grouped view and tooltips
In the vPlan timeline you can create an even greater overview by grouping all the individual cards over various stages at once and placing them next to each other.
You do this with this button in the timeline menu bar:
In this overview, the columns are hidden and all cards are displayed on one horizontal line.
With the tooltips you can see more information about the cards in the grouped view. You can now quickly and easily view card information without opening the card. Place your mouse on a card and a pop-up screen will appear with information about the card, as in the example below.
The information visible in these tooltips is determined by the columns you have enabled in the expanded view. Columns that you can change in the expanded view can also be changed in the tooltips, such as the resources:
You can enable or disable the tooltips function in the timeline preferences.
Split cards
Wanneer je een kaartje gepland hebt in de tijdlijn met een start- en een einddatum, dan kan het voorkomen dat je dit kaartje wilt opdelen. Bijvoorbeeld als er een onderbreking komt in je planning, of je een deel van het kaartje wilt plannen bij een andere resource.
Zodra je in vPlan op je toetsenbord de sneltoets ALT (Option voor Mac gebruikers) inhoudt, en je beweegt je muis over de strook, dan is te zien dat er in de strook een opdeel lijn wordt weergegeven, die je per dag kunt laten verschuiven. Klik op de plaats waar je de strook wil splitsen, en je ziet dat er twee kortere stroken staan.
If you have planned a card in the timeline with a start and end date, you may want to split this card. For example, if there is an interruption in your planning, or you want to plan part of the card with another resource.
As soon as you press the shortcut ALT (Option for Mac users) on your keyboard in vPlan and you move your mouse over the card, you will see that a division line is displayed in the card, which you can move per day. Click where you want to split the card and you will see that there are two cards.
You can also open the card and split the card using the split function. To do this, read the following help article: Split card.
Switching days on and off
Whether it concerns eliminating holidays from your planning, or working an occasional extra Saturday. In the timeline as well you can enable unavailable days as workdays or disable workdays in the timeline.
The way to turn days on or off in your planning is simple. Open your timeline and move your mouse to one of the standard working days. A button will appear that allows you to disable the day as a plannable day:
By using guide lines in the timeline, non working days will be displayed more clearly. To enable guides, click on the eye at the top of the timeline menu bar and turn on the grid.
Go directly to the right date with the hand icon
On the left side of the timeline you will find the list of all planned tasks. In the list we show some details of the task in columns.
If you hover your mouse over one of the columns you will see a hand icon appear at the end of the line. Click on it to go directly to the day in the timeline on which the card is planned.
Perhaps you recognize this: you are busy planning projects within the timeline, but you keep switching between different dimensions to see which employee has room in the planning. With the Workload functionality, this is a thing of the past. We will show you how it works and how to use it wisely.
Open Your Planning in the Timeline
Go to your vPlan dashboard and open the timeline.
Enable Workload
Click on the 'Workload' icon in the upper left corner of the timeline.
The capacity overview appears, showing all remaining or planned hours in percentages or hours.
Determine Your Insight
Choose whether you want to view the capacity per stage, group, or employee.
Select whether you want to see the planned hours or the available hours.
Capacity is visually displayed in colors: from light purple (lots of capacity available) to dark purple (more occupied), and red (overplanned).