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Step 3: set up your dashboard with widgets
Updated over 10 months ago

When you log in to the app for the first time, you will arrive at the dashboard. The dashboard is the place where you can create quick insights for yourself with so-called widgets. Widgets are tiles that you see at the top of the dashboard. If you press this, vPlan shows specific cards from your planning.
By default, there are already a number of widgets to use, such as Today (which shows all cards planned for you today) and Overdue (which shows cards that are still open from yesterday and further into the past).

You can adjust these existing widgets, or add new widgets yourself.

Add or customize widgets

By pressing and holding a widget, a menu appears. You have the choice to change the widget or delete it.
In addition to the existing widgets, you can also add a new widget using the appropriate button to the right of the existing widgets.

When you press this button, a menu will appear where you can choose filters. With these filters you can determine which cards you see when you press the widget in the app. For example, you can choose to filter by a specific planning board, a specific stage, status, labels and the planning period. You can also sort the result you have filtered by, for example, planning date.
With this wide variety of filters you can create almost any overview for yourself.

If you have put together widgets for yourself, continue to Step 4: View cards and planning.

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