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Automatically add activity
Updated over 10 months ago

In this article you will find several automations that allow you to automatically have an activity added to a card or collection.

Approaching or exceeded plan date

When the start or end date is a few days before or after today, an activity can be automatically added to a card. For this, we have two automations:

  • When the start/end of a card in stage something is number of days/working days before/after today and the status is something, add activity something to ticket

  • When the start/end of a card is number of days/working days before/after today and the status is something, add activity something to card

In the first automation, in addition to the start/end date, number of days or working days before or after today, status and activity, add stage. This ensures that only cards in a certain stage have the activity added.
First, you choose whether to trigger this automation based on a card's planned start or end date. Then you choose when you want the activity to be added, the number of (work) days that the planned date is before or after today. You also set the status at which the automation should be triggered, and finally you choose which activity should be added.

Creating a collection

With this automation, you make sure that you no longer need to add activities manually, but that they are added automatically when you create a collection.


This automation only works when creating a collection, which happens in the backlog. Read more about the difference between a collection and a card here.

  • When collection is created, add activity something

All you need to set here is which activity is automatically added when a new collection is created.

Creating a card

With this automation, you can ensure that you no longer have to manually add activities when you create a card. This automation is especially useful when you have a stage in your planboard where the same activity always takes place.

  • When card is created on stage something, add activity something to the card

The parameters you set are stage and activity. First, you choose which stage of your planboard the automation applies to, and in activity, you choose which activity should be automatically added to a card as soon as you create the card in the chosen stage.

Adding a label

With these automations, you can ensure that the activity is automatically added when someone adds a label to the card or to the collection.

  • When label something is added to a card, add activity something to the card

  • When label something is added to collection, add activity something

The parameters you set are label and activity. With label you choose which label should trigger the automation, and with activity you choose which activity should be automatically added to a plan card as soon as the label is added. The difference between these automations is whether the label is added to the card or to the collection. You can read all about the difference between a card and a collection here.

Assigning a resource

With this automation you can ensure that the activity is automatically added when the card is assigned to a specific resource.

  • When resource something is added to a card, add activity something to the card

The parameters you set are resource and activity. Under resource you choose which resource the activity should be added to, and under activities you choose which activity should be automatically added as soon as the card is assigned to that particular resource.

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