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All CollectionsPlan with vPlanTime tracking
Approval process time tracking
Approval process time tracking
Updated over a week ago

Time tracking is an important part within vPlan. Time can be tracked on activities. These tracked hours can be submitted by workers, planners or administrators and then approved by an administrator or a planner. In this article you will read all about the approval process.
When a worker has written his time on a certain activity it can be found in the dashboard. Read all about the dashboard here. Within the dashboard, workers can submit their tracked time. There are several statuses within time tracking, namely draft, pending, approved, rejected and ongoing. We will briefly run through all the statuses:


When time is tracked by a worker it is in draft status. From here the time can be submitted by clicking on the blue arrow at the end of the line.


Now the written time is set to pending. As shown in the image below, a worker can revoke the submitted time or wait for approval or rejection by a planner or administrator.

A planner or an administrator will see the time entries with the pending status as shown below. Two little thumbs have appeared, one green and one red. Clicking the green thumb approves the workers' time tracking. Clicking on the red thumb will disapprove it.


Once the time submitted has been approved by a planner or administrator, the worker can no longer do anything with it.

A planner or administrator will only see the red thumb behind an approved time entry. This approved time can still be rejected.


When a registration is rejected the blue arrow appears again and the time can now be resubmitted. The worker can also revoke the submitted time by clicking on the gray arrow.

An administrator or planner can resubmit the rejected time registration for the worker by clicking on the blue arrow.


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