Kanban is the Japanese term for "Visual" and "Card". Visuality and plan cards are two pillars that vPlan is already very successful with. Therefore, introducing the Kanban planning method is a logical step.
Kanban is a simple, entry-level planning method that has been around for more than half a century and will be instantly recognized by everyone. You plan cards in visual status columns. This gives everyone instant insight into the status of the work, what needs to be done first, and where in the process the bottlenecks are.
In Kanban, you basically don't plan by date, but by status. Of course, in vPlan you can combine the best of several methods and you can still attach a date to your cards, which will also make your work visible in the calendar or timeline.
Kanban is a method you can use for all conceivable processes. Whether this is logistics, production, HR, IT, Sales pipeline or project management.
Adding Kanban
If you're not using the Kanban view yet, you can select it at the top of vPlan's menu bar or add a new view by clicking on the plus icon.
Give your view a name and save it. You can now proceed to the next step.
Kanban view
Once you have opened the view you will immediately see a simple and recognizable column layout of your planboard, based on your set up statuses.
Several buttons and functions are available in the Kanban planning view.
By clicking on the eye at the top right of the Kanban view, you can adjust your preferences. By adjusting your preferences, you determine what information is shown on the preview of your cards. For example, do you want the front of your card to show the planned date or not, or do you want to hide the assigned resources?
Preferences are tied to your user account. So what you set applies only to you, and not to other vPlan users.
The filter determines which cards are shown in your Kanban view. For example, do you only want to see cards assigned to you? And do you want to hide completed cards? Then set this up by clicking on the filter icon in the top right corner of the Kanban view.
Maximize view 
At the top right of the Kanban view you will find the button to maximize the display of your planboard. Because this hides unnecessary menu bars and your browser task bars, you have maximum space for your planboard. Once enabled, you can close it again by pressing ESC on your keyboard.
At the top right of the Kanban view you will also find the green backlog button. In the backlog you can create cards and then drag them to your planboard. In the Kanban view, you can drag your cards from the backlog to any status column you want.
Create cards
In addition to creating cards in the backlog, you can also create them directly and quickly in any of your Kanban columns. If you move your mouse to the bottom of a column you will automatically see a field appear with the text Create new card. In this field you can click to give your card a name. By pressing Enter you have created the card.
Move cards to another status (column)
If you want to drag a card to another status column, you can do so by picking up the card with your mouse and dragging it to another column. As soon as you release the mouse the status has changed.
By holding the CTRL key (CMD for Mac) and clicking on multiple cards, you can select multiple cards and drag them at the same time.