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Automatically change status
Updated over 9 months ago

This article explains automations that allow you to automatically change the status of a card. This can be based on a status change on previous cards, when approaching or exceeding the planned date, when adding a label, or when stopping a time tracking.

Based on status change of previous cards

Are you working with stages, split or dependent cards in vPlan? Then you can make sure that a card automatically gets a new status when the previous card is completed. This way, everyone knows when they can start their work without having to keep an eye on the previous cards.

We have four automations for this. These automations all basically do the same thing. They change the status of a card when another related card changes status. The difference is in the type of relationship between the cards, and the condition on which the automation should work. Below we describe the details and the differences for each automation.

  • When status of a card in stage something changes to something, change status of depending cards to something

You can set up this variant if you use a lot of dependencies in vPlan. The first condition you set is at what stage the automation should work. With the second, you choose at which status change the automation should work. With the last one, you determine what new status the dependent cards should be given.

  • When status of a card in stage something changes to something, change status of cards in next stage to something

This variant does the same as the first variant, but is intended for vPlan users who don't use the feature dependencies much or at all. The automation changes the status of cards in the next stage, if the card is completed in the previous stage, for example. The first condition you set is at which stage the automation should operate. With the second, you choose at which status change the automation should operate. With the last one, you determine what new status the cards should be given in the next stage.

  • When status of a card in stage something changes to something, change status of next card to something

Again, this variant does basically the same thing as the previous automations. This variant is suitable when you use neither stages in vPlan nor dependencies, but you regularly split your assignments into multiple cards. First, you choose which stage the automation should work on. Then you choose at which status change the automation should work. At the last condition, you decide what new status the succeeding cards should be given.

  • When status of a card in stage something changes to something, change status of cards in stage something to something

The last one is almost the same as the second variant, which we described above. The difference is that with this one, you can manually decide in which stage(s) the succeeding cards get a status change. This can be all of them, or a selection of stages. In the first part of the automation you determine in which stage and at which status the automation should take effect. And in the second part, determine at which stage(s) the cards should automatically change status.

Approaching or exceeded plan date

With these automations, you can ensure that the status of a card is automatically changed when a card is planned a certain number of days before or after today.

  • When the start/end of a card in stage something is number of days/workdays before/after today and the status is something, change status of card to something

  • When the start/end of a card is number of days/workdays before/after today and the status is something, change status of card to something

These automations are almost the same, but the first one targets a specific stage in your planboard. The conditions you set are the start or end date, stage, number of (work)days before or after today, status and successor status. First, you choose whether to trigger this automation based on a card's planned start or end date. Then, for the first automation, you choose in which specific stage you want this automation to occur. Then you choose when you want the status to be changed, the number of (work)days that the planned date is before or after today. You also set at which status the automation should be triggered, and what the new status of the card should be.

When adding a label

With this automation, you can ensure that the status of a card is automatically changed when someone adds a label to the card.

  • When label something is added to a card in stage something, change status of card to something

The parameters you set are label, stage and status. First you choose at which label the status change should be made. Then you choose in which stage of your planboard this automation applies. Multiple stages are possible. Last, you choose which new status the card should get, when the label is added.

Time reporting starts or stops

With this automation you can ensure that the status of a card is automatically changed when a time registration is started or stopped.

  • When time reporting starts/stops in stage something, change status of card to something

The conditions to be set are whether time reporting starts or stops, the stage and the status. First you choose whether you want the status to automatically adjust when you start or stop time registration . Then you choose in which stage of your planboard this automation applies. Multiple stages are possible. Finally, you choose which new status the card should get, when time reporting starts or stops.

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