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Automatically create card
Updated over 12 months ago

With these automations, you can ensure that a new card is created automatically. This ensures that you do not have to create many manual cards unnecessarily. You can have a card created automatically by manually creating a first card, or by changing a status.

Create new card after manually created card

With this automation, you can ensure that when you create a card on one stage of your planboard, a card is automatically planned on another chosen stage as well, with or without one or more days difference between the cards.

  • When card is created on stage something, create another card on stage something plus/minus number of workdays

The conditions you set are stage, succeeding stage, and plus/minus number of workdays. First, choose which stage the condition applies to. Then choose on which other stage you want to automatically plan a second card. Using the plus/minus, choose whether to plan the second card before or after the first chosen stage. Finally, choose the number of days you want to plan the second card before or after the first chosen stage.

Create new card after status change

With this automation you can ensure that when the status of a card changes in one stage of your planboard, a card is automatically planned on another chosen stage, with or without one or more days difference between the card.

  • When the status of a card in stage something changes to something, create another card on stage something plus/minus number of workdays

The conditions you set are stage, status, succeeding stage, and plus/minus number of business days. First, choose which stage the condition applies to. Then you choose at what status the automation should be triggered. Next, determine at which other stage you want to automatically plan a follow-up card. Use the plus/minus to choose whether to plan the second card before or after the first selected stage. Finally, choose the number of days you want to plan the second card before or after the first chosen stage.

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