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Set up Exact Online
Updated over a week ago

In this article you can read how you can integrate with your Exact Online administration in vPlan yourself.

Add Exact Online integration

  • In the left menu bar of vPlan, go to Settings.

  • Then click on Integrations in the left menu bar.

  • In the middle of the page, click Add integration. You will now be redirected to the integration page on the vPlan website.

  • At the Exact Online tile, click Add to your subscription. You will now be sent back to

  • Log in with your username and password to return to vPlan.

  • Now click the green button Authenticate your account. You will now be redirected to Exact Online.

  • Log in with your Exact Online account. Make sure this is an Exact Online administrator account.

  • The terms and conditions are listed on the page you then see. Select the option Current and future administrations and accept the conditions. When you confirm this, you will be sent back to vPlan.

  • You will now see a number of options already enabled by default to retrieve from Exact Online to vPlan. Check carefully what you need for planning and uncheck what you do not want to use. All options are explained in the next chapter.

  • Once you have selected the desired options, click Save at the bottom of the page.

  • You can then click on the green Activate button at the top to retrieve the data from Exact Online.

When you click Activate, vPlan will download all checked Exact Online objects. From that moment on, vPlan will retrieve new and changed objects from Exact Online approximately every fifteen minutes.

Options Exact Online incoming data

Below is a brief explanation of all options that can be checked. At the end of the article we explain for each desired Exact module which check marks you need to retrieve them correctly with the integration.


These are operations from your shop orders. When this option is enabled, vPlan retrieves all operations from the master data of your administration. These operations become plannable activities in vPlan.


These are items with a time unit. For example, you can create a sales order in Exact Online with the item 'Travel time' or 'Consultancy'. These items become plannable activities in vPlan.
ItemThese are the items from your Exact Online administration. In a card in vPlan they are shown with the item code, item description, quantity and unit (pieces, liter, meter, etc.).


This ensures that shop orders from Exact Online are transferred to vPlan as a plan card. The data used in vPlan includes: order number, order description, quantity, comments, relationship data, the related sales order, but of course also the bill of materials including operations and materials.


Retrieves the project header as a plannable card from the projects module of Exact Online.


Retrieves projects of the type 'Hours per hour type'. Hour types added to a project become activities in vPlan.


Retrieves the hour types you need to plan as an activity within vPlan. This option is required when planning WBS projects.


Retrieves projects of the WBS type, where a separate plan card is created for all present deliverables.


All deliverables (activities in vPlan) of a project are combined in one plan card. From the project, the following data from the project header is used in vPlan: project name, project number, contact details of the contact, end date, hour types and calculations.


Only the header of WBS projects is retrieved. Only all deliverables are retrieved from the first layer. From the project, the following data from the project header is used in vPlan: project name, project number, contact details of the contact, end date, hour types and calculations.


This allows you to retrieve purchase orders to use as a plan card in vPlan for a purchasing process. The data from the purchase order that is used in vPlan is: purchase order number, contact and address details of the supplier, delivery date, the delivered items including the item code, description and quantity.


This option also collects purchase orders, but a separate plan card is created for each order line. This way you can keep track of partial deliveries in vPlan. vPlan uses the following data for a purchase order line: Quantity, item description, item code, purchase order number, supplier data, reference, delivery date, account manager.


By checking this option you ensure that vPlan retrieves quotes as plan cards. You will see information in your plan card, such as: quotation number, quotation version, account manager, closing date, relationship data and the items from the quotation with quantity, description and unit.


If you want to plan your employees as resources in vPlan, this is an option you can use. By checking this integration option, employees are retrieved from your Exact Online administration. These employees then become plannable resources in vPlan.


If you prefer to use machines as resources and capacity in vPlan, you can import your work centres from Exact Online. These work centres become plannable resources of the type 'Machine' in vPlan.


Use this option to import sales orders from Exact Online to vPlan as plan cards. A sales order that is created as a card in vPlan contains information such as: order number, order description, relationship data, delivery date, account manager and of course the order lines with items, item code, quantity and unit.


This allows you to retrieve sales orders, but each order line becomes a separate plan card. So one sales order containing three sold items becomes three plan cards in vPlan. The data you see in the plan cards are, for example: order number, item code, item description, quantity, relationship data, etc.


This will synchronize and maintain your relationship database from Exact Online in vPlan. This option is necessary to display customer data in shop orders, sales orders, purchase orders and projects.


This option is complementary to the ResourceViaEmployee option and ensures that the employee's schedule from Exact Online is also used as a schedule in vPlan. Please note: once you enable this option, you cannot manage schedules in vPlan and Exact Online always takes precedence in this.


This also allows you to retrieve the Warehouse Code that you use in Exact Online. You can search for this code in vPlan, but the warehouse is not shown on a card.

Options Exact Online outgoing data

It is also possible to send data from vPlan back to Exact Online. This is only possible for sales orders, shop orders and projects. This concerns this part of your integration settings:

Below is a brief explanation of the options to be checked in the outgoing integration with Exact Online:


With this option you only check that you want to send data from vPlan to Exact Online Production. You only switch the outgoing link on or off for work orders. You must therefore combine this option with another option to indicate which data you want to send.


This allows you to activate the option to send the time you track in vPlan (on a shop order with activities) back to the shop order in Exact Online.


With this option you enable the possibility to send the tracked time on an activity within vPlan back to your projects in Exact Online.


With this option you only check that you want to send data from vPlan to Exact Online. You only enable or disable the outgoing link for sales orders. You must therefore combine this option with another option to indicate which data you want to send.

Update the planned date of the ProductionOrder

In Exact Online, a shop order has a start and an end date. If you use this option in the outbound integration, the start and end dates of the shop order in Exact Online will be adjusted as soon as you have planned the order in vPlan.
A planned order in vPlan has a start and end date. These are then sent to the corresponding fields of Exact Online. vPlan therefore becomes leading in terms of start and end dates.

Update the delivery date of the SalesOrder

Every sales order has a delivery date in Exact Online. If you configure the outbound integration from vPlan to Exact with this option, the plan date of the sales order in vPlan also becomes the new delivery date of the sales order in Exact Online. This concerns the end date of the plan card in vPlan.

Selection codes

At the bottom of the outgoing data block you will also see several fields in which you can enter selection codes. With the selection codes option you can show the status of a vPlan card with your sales and/or work orders in Exact Online. This way you can easily see in your overview of orders which have been processed in vPlan or are still being processed. Setting this up requires some adjustments to your Exact Online setup and is not available in all Exact Online packages.
For more information, please contact our support desk at [email protected].

When do I use which options?

It may differ for each process and company what exactly you want to plan from your Exact Online administration. Whether you want to plan quotes, purchasing, sales orders or a combination depends very much on your process and the needs of the company. A vPlan consultant can advise on this.
If you want to make your own choices, you can read below which options you should activate in which situation for a properly functioning integration.

Sales orders

To plan sales orders, you can set these options in the integration settings:

SalesOrder (minimum required): this allows you to retrieve sales orders, containing the order lines.

SalesOrderRow (only if desired): this allows you to retrieve a separate plan card per order line. It is advisable to choose SalesOrder or SalesOrderRow, and not both.

Item (recommended): this allows you to synchronize your Exact Online item database with vPlan. Items are used in sales orders in vPlan.

SalesRelation (recommended): this allows you to synchronize your relationship database from Exact Online with vPlan. Contacts are then shown with address and contact details in the order in vPlan.

ActivityViaItem (optional): only checkable if you have items with the unit ''time'' and you want to plan these items as an activity in vPlan.

Warehouse (optional): this sends the warehouse (code) with the order, so that you can search by warehouse in vPlan.

If you want to plan sales orders, it is wise to first start with the minimum recommended options:

Purchase orders

You can use the following options to plan purchase orders:

PurchaseOrder (minimum required): this allows you to import purchase orders to vPlan, containing the order lines.

PurchaseOrderRow (only if desired): import the purchase order per line. Each order line becomes a separate plan card. It is recommended to choose PurchaseOrder or PurchaseOrderRow, and not both.

PurchaseRelation (recommended): this allows you to import the suppliers from your Exact Online database. Suppliers are then shown with address and contact details in the vPlan order.

Item (recommended): this allows you to synchronize your Exact Online item database with vPlan. Items are used in purchase orders in vPlan.

If you want to plan purchase orders, it is wise to first start with the minimum recommended options:

Shop orders

You can use the following options to plan work orders:

Activity (recommended): gets the operation sequence from the work order. For each operation, an activity is added to your order in vPlan with the estimated time of the operation.

Item (recommended): with this option, materials are also shown in the bill of materials within the vPlan order.

ProductionOrder (minimum required): this option must be enabled to be able to plan shop orders at all.

SalesRelation (optional): with this option, vPlan also shows the relationship data from the sales order for shop orders that are related to a sales order.

ResourceViaProduction (optional): by enabling this option, vPlan also imports work centres from your Exact Online Production module. Work centres then become plannable resources of the type 'Machine' in vPlan.

If you want to plan shop orders in vPlan, it is recommended that you at least use these options:

Resources from Exact Online

If you use Exact Online for your HR or work centres, you can transfer resources to vPlan. In vPlan you can plan orders based on resources. These are employees, machines or rooms.

ResourceViaEmployee (optional): vPlan retrieves employees from Exact Online as a plannable resource of the type 'Employee'.

Schedule (optional): vPlan retrieves the current schedule, leave and absence per employee. This allows capacity to be determined in vPlan. If you check this option, you can no longer edit the schedule in vPlan and you can no longer report the employee absent. Exact Online will then become leading.

ResourceViaProduction (optional): vPlan retrieves the work centres from Exact Online. These become plannable resources of type 'Machine' in vPlan.


Quotations can become plannable cards in vPlan. To plan quotes you can check these options in your integration settings:

Quotation (minimum required): this is the basic setting that must be enabled to retrieve quotations from Exact as plan cards.

Item (recommended): this allows you to synchronize your Exact Online item database with vPlan. Items are used in quotations in vPlan.

SalesRelation (recommended): this allows you to synchronize your relationship database from Exact Online with vPlan. Relationships are then shown with address and contact details in the quotation in vPlan.

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